
Moth Repellent

How does Shield NANOZONE Anti Moth technology work ?

The active ingredients in NANOZONE antimoth form a colorless, odorless, positively charged polymer molecule swords like structure which is chemically bonded to the treated surface. When a microorganism comes in contact with the treated surface, the positively charged polymer molecule swords puncture the cell membrane electrocutes microbe cell. Because nothing is transferred to the now dead cell, the NANOZONE doesn't lose strength and the sword is ready for the next cell to contact it.

What is NANOZONE base product compound?

The NANOZONE is Graphene nanoscrolls based nano coating. It's active ingredient is an organo functional inorganic compound of positively charged polyatomic ions. Unlike traditional products, which have a limited kill spectrum, the NANOZONE technology provides long-term protection and controls a wide range of microorganisms including bacteria, virus, fungus, algae, mold etc. for a very long of period of time due to strong covalent surface bonding and non migratory mechanism.

Difference between the NANOZONE and other antimoths on the market ?

Conventional products penetrate living cells and kill by way of poisoning the organism. The NANOZONE technology not only provides an effective initial moth kill when applied, but it also provides long-term control of growth on treated surfaces, often for the life of that surface. The surface itself is modified to make it antimothly active.

What are Mold Dangers?

Moths can penetrate human skin, apart from damaging woolens, and can bite you with the help of their tiny projections (long sucking tubes known as proboscis). The NANOZONE technology works universally on most effective manner against almost all types of moth (namely Madagascan Sunset ,Luna, Large Agarista, Giant Leopard, False Tiger, Atlas, Twin Spotted Sphinx and Rosy Maple Moth)

Does the NANOZONE technology use a health hazard or heavy metal ?

NO. The NANOZONE does NOT contain any kind of heavy metals like Tin, arsenic, silver and copper, often used in other antimoths. Since the antimoth is permanently bound to the surfaces it protects, it does not leach from the surface to the skin or into the environment. In fact, NANOZONE is so safe that it is also used on baby nappies to prevent nappy rash.

How long does the NANOZONE treatment last ?

Since the cured NANOZONE antimoth is nonvolatile, insoluble, and non - leaching, provides protection against re-growth and future contamination on treated surfaces, the treatment should last for the life of the treated surface. It should also withstand minimum 30 (max 50) washes / drycleans. Abrasive or caustic and hard detergent cleaner (with pH>10.5) will shorten effective life. Porous surfaces which are contaminated below the treated surface will occasionally experience some growth which breaks through a treated surface.


Laboratory Test Certificates :

  • WRA (Wool Research Association) : Resistance to moth larvae Anthrenus flavipes (Le Conte)
  • Approved by WHO, FDA, EPA, Pharmacopeia and other authorities for Human Contact.
  • Sourced from M/s KNVS Inc., Nagpur

Test Certificates:

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Moth Repellent

Moth Repellent